Welcome to the Christmas Greetings page. In order to view these three greetings you need to have Flash 5 or greater installed on your computer. You can verify that you have Flash by going to http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/welcome/. If you see the “Macromedia Flash Player” animation, you have Flash and should be able to view the greetings. If you do not get the animation, follow the instructions at that site to download and install the free Flash player. After clicking one of the links below please wait for the entire screen to load up. On the two Santa’s Deer greetings click on each reindeer. Re-click on any reindeer to make it turn off or turn back on again. Try clicking on the reindeers from left to right, then right to left, then just one, two, three, or more at a time in any order. On the Snowglobe click on the globe and shake it up. Be sure to stick around long enough to see the snowman completed though. Merry Christmas everybody!!! On the New Year’s Blast! pop each balloon with your mouse to countdown to the new year. Happy New Year everybody!!!